Oil To Ashes Part 1, "Picnic" (Apocalyptic Thriller)
A Linc Freemore Story by Lee Brait
"As usual his morning commute took him past that simple wooden cross, planted above the pit with the charred sides. And as usual Linc's stomach turned at the thought of it happening to the next child."
"Perfect Apocalyptic Novella", "Start of a Good Series", "A good dark read", "You want Linc on your side!" - See more reviews on Amazon.
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A Linc Freemore Story (Apocalyptic Thriller). 44 pages (10.795 words)
The war on terror has escalated to a nihilistic brawl for oil. Brutal and incessant gang violence now rules the headlines. Is it a forecast for the end of justice and consequence?
For Linc Freemore, another drudge at the office, another broken promise looms. He stumbles on a savage crime, half-done. Unarmed. Deserted. In a tranquil wood, the kind of place he longs for time with his family. Today filled with violence and despair. Should he bolt for safety? Or viciously defend, his own brand of justice?
Linc discovers how deep he's willing to dig for a stranger. How far he's willing to blur the lines.
Contains Violence.
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